Millburn Speech and Debate is one of the largest organizations at Millburn High School, with over 100 members. Throughout the school year, the team travels to tournaments at the regional, state, and national levels.
Students compete in the following events: Lincoln-Douglas Debate, Congressional Debate, Public Forum Debate, Extemporaneous Speaking, Informative Speaking, Impromptu Speaking, Original Oratory, Declamation, Oral Interpretation (Prose/ Poetry), Program Oral Interpretation, Dramatic Interpretation, Humorous Interpretation, Duo Interpretation, and Improvisational Acting.
The Millburn Speech and Debate team competes in the New Jersey Forensic League, the Newark Catholic Forensic League, and the National Speech and Debate Association.
Any Millburn High School student may join the team at the beginning of the season. The regular tournament season begins in September and concludes at the end of March, with national championships held April - June.
Contact Us
Head Coach: Jordy Barry
Advisor: Maria Vazquez
Reach all Team staff at:
executive board 2024-2025:
Co-Presidents: Thomas Liu (PF), Aaron Pan (CON), and Venya Tiwari (SP).
Vice-Presidents of Fundraising: Zain Jaffar (CON) and Rohan Rao (LD).
Vice-President of Community Outreach: Caroline Cheng (CON) and Angelina Wang (SP).
Vice-Presidents of Student Recruitment: Ryan Chen (PF) and Ria Mehta (SP).
Vice-President of Communications: Nicky Wang (PF) and Ashley Joseph (PF).
Vice-Presidents of Peer Leaders Program: Anshrutha Shrinivas (PF/ Speech) and Daniel Han (Speech).
Senior Peer Leaders: Aditya Gupta, Souri Daver, Vidushi Sinha, Justin Lambert, Michelle Luo, Jayden Gulati, Maxwell Mao, Yashvir Singh, Rayna Batreja, Neha Dubey, Matthew Xia, and Zainab Tehami.
Middle School Program Directors: Rayna Batreja (CON) and Maxwell Mao (LD).
Social Chairs: Renee Ding (LD) and Grace Gu (CON).
event captains:
Speech - Limited Prep Captains: Daniel Han, Jayden Gulati, Venya Tiwari, and Arik Zhang.
Speech - Platform Speaking Captains: Eva Devroy, Nyra Thakkar, and Jonathan Yan.
Speech - Interpretation Captains: Jeff Lin and Ria Mehta.
Congressional Debate Captains: Caroline Cheng, Grace Gu, Zain Jaffar, and Aaron Pan.
Public Forum Captains: Ryan Chen, Thomas Liu, Arav Wahi, and Nicky Wang.
Lincoln Douglas Captains: Renee Ding, Leyi Han, Rishabh Handa, and Andrew Zhang.
Speech and Debate Leagues and Associations
The NJSDL is the state organization that governs most local tournaments. This organization hosts the State Championships at the end of each season. Visit this site for information on events, participating schools, and the season calendar.
Millburn belongs to the Newark Diocese of the NCFL. This site has information on competition events specific to the league and details regarding the Grand National tournament held each May.
The NSDA is the national organization for all speech and debate programs. They issue all debate topics, manage the honor society, and hold the largest national tournament each June. Visit this site for a comprehensive collection of resources for all events, judge training, and honor society details.